Thursday, November 6, 2008
Assignment 3 -Animation
This animation involve the Flash MX, Sony Sound Foregen, adobe photoshop CS2 and Movie maker using. This flash is interesting and i hope you will enjoy watch it..
Assignment 2 -Banner
1. Click New in menu bar and set banner size : width = 1000pixels, height = 200pixels, Name = Banner and click ok.
2. Open one fail image “Bendera” and cut flag image and to cut this image, right click in Lasso Tools and choose Magnetic Lasso Tools.
3. After your cut, click on Move Tool, drag and drop that the flag image and put in suitable position.
4. Open second image fail, cut image and drag and drop image in banner. Follow to step 2 and 3.
5. Open image fail “logo kemerdekaan”, follow step 2 and 3.
6. Click Edit -> Transform -> scale in menu bar to get small logo image.
7. Open image fail “Bunga” and use step 2,3 and 6.
8. Copy 4 image from flower image : Right click in layer “bunga raya” and choose Duplicate Layer. After that, click edit -> Transform -> Flip Horizantal and Flip Vertical in menu bar. Look under example picture.
9. Color this banner background with four color. Use Gardient Tool in menu bar. Look under example picture.
10. Right click in image -> Blending Option -> General Blending -> Opacity and set 80%. This is for get blur image for image logo, perkataan merdeka and 51.
11. Click in Horizontal Type Tool in Tool Menu. Type words “Selamat Menaymbut Kemerdekaan Yang Ke – 51”. Set this word : Teks = Magento, Bold, size = 29 and color = blue.
12. Right Click in teks layer -> Blending Option. Set in Drop Shadow and click ok.
Click in File -> Save As. Format=.Gif. Save this banner as extension .Gif. Finnish.